Sex and Love Addiction - Ask Mike

In today’s article, we are delving in to some of the most frequently asked questions about love and sex addiction from our talented therapist on the team, Mike Lyons, Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Candidate. Let’s destigmatize this important topic!

Q: Does sex addiction only affect men?

A: No, roughly 12% of individuals who report having issues with sexual addiction traits are female. There is, however, a societal double standard where women who exhibit the same features as men are viewed through a more shameful and stigmatized lens, which can lead to a reluctance to pursue treatment, or openly explore their concerns.

Q: Is the goal of sex and love addiction treatment to abstain from sexual activity?

A: No, the objective in treating sex and love addiction is to help the individual better understand habitual behavioral patterns that have become detrimental to their wellbeing, relationships or concept of self and in turn, collaboratively explore how to work to strengthen relationships and meaningful connections with others in both intimate and non-intimate relationships.

Q: Is sex addiction real?

A: Yes- Sex and love addiction, while not recognized as a formal diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- 5), significantly interfere with the lives of those impacted by it and can lead to catastrophic effects on their lives and relationships. There are discussions underway about whether to add Hypersexual Disorder in the newest addition, the DSM 6, which is slated to be released in 2025

Q: What’s the difference between sex addiction and love addiction?

A: Sex addiction involves the pursuit of sexual opportunities, coupled with a preoccupation of sexual acts.  Love addiction is typically focused on one specific person or the idea of a fantasy relationship. Sex addicts experience a “high” from sexual acting out behaviors and love addicts experience a “high” from feelings of intense infatuation and desire, typically seen in the initial stages of relationships.


Please feel free to schedule a free, confidential phone consultation with Mike to learn more about treatment options at Ignite!