What if I want to talk to a live person to figure out which therapist may be the best fit?

Schedule a phone chat by calling us at 303-578-6336 or scheduling a free phone consultation.

Do you accept insurance?

Please check our fee page for details on which therapists accept certain insurances.

Additionally, we proudly accept Crime Victim Compensation. If you are the direct or indirect victim of a crime, you may be eligible for services as part of victim’s compensation. Please contact us with your case number and visit the Colorado CVC website for more information.

We accept two regions (called “RAEs”) of Medicaid called Colorado Access and Rocky Mountain Health Plan. To find out what RAE you are in, check out the handy guide here.

We recommend asking these questions to your insurance provider to help determine your benefits:

  • Does my health insurance plan include mental/behavioral health benefits?

  • Does my health insurance plan include ‘out of network’ mental/behavioral health coverage?

  • Is there a deductible for these services? If so, what is it and have I met it yet?

  • Does my plan limit how many mental health sessions per calendar year? If so, what is the limit?

  • Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for services to be covered (this is often the case with TriCare West)?

Do you offer sliding scale?

We are pleased to offer affordable counseling options! Our masters in clinical mental health counseling candidate intern therapists provide access to quality care, overseen by licensed members of our team, at reduced rates. Learn more here!

Why should I get counseling? 

No matter who you are or where you are at on your journey to well being, know this: we all need help at times. We can all benefit from learning how to process and heal from life’s challenges, and what to do with mental and emotional pain: anger, conflict, constant irritability, lack of patience and guilt. Counseling will help you learn how to:

  • let go of constant worry, tension, fear, insomnia, and anxiety

  • sleep better so that you can feel better physically and have more energy

  • cope with stress in relationships, work, and school

  • find and maintain healthy relationships

  • identify what it is you really want, and become assertive in getting it

  • get through the loss of a loved one with caring support


Why should I choose Ignite Counseling Colorado?

This is such a great question to ask yourself! We know from first-hand experience how important it is to find the right fit with your therapist. For this reason, we’ve loaded this website with as much information as possible so that you can get a sense for how we work, what we hold to be important and true. It’s also the reason we offer a free phone consultation, so that you can get a feeling for us. We invite you to trust your instincts, but also take note of the fundamentals:

·      solutions-based, collaborative approach; you’re in the driver’s seat!

·      highly specialized training in addiction counseling

·      expertise in treating trauma

·      reliance on evidenced-based practices such as Prolonged Exposure, ERP and ACT

·      holistic approach, treating the “whole person”

·      non-judgmental, open and welcoming LGBTQ+

I'm not sure I even need to talk to someone.  How do I know if it's "bad enough"?

If you have stumbled upon this page, you might have some curiosity about whether this service or process can help you.  That is an indication that it may be worth checking out further.  Therapy can be beneficial at various stages for various reasons, providing non-biased caring support during any season of life.  For a lot of people, having therapeutic support can be really helpful in developing new insights. 

Is therapy going to cost me a fortune? How long will it take?

So much of this depends on you:  your circumstances, your goals, your motivation and what you consider to be a “fortune.” Our approach is solutions-based, meaning we rely on proven tools and techniques that you can start applying on Day One. Our goal is to identify the most effective route to a happier and healthier you, giving you the tools needed to confidently sustain your wellbeing on your own.

Our personal experiences in having paid for therapy during difficult phases of our lives, is that the real “fortune” at stake here is the treasure of good health – mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. The investment may require compromises in other areas of your life, and may not come easy, but we have always found it worthwhile. We have also found that feeling better allowed us to save time and money, freeing up the resources we needed to cover therapy. We call this the “snowball effect” of health and abundance.

What if I simply can’t afford to get help?

It is our heart’s desire to ensure that every person gets the help they need. We are proud to offer our affordable counseling program sliding scale program. Please click here to learn more. If you are interested, please mention this in our free phone consultation.


We currently utilize HIPAA-secured Simple Practice for our telehealth platform. We do not provide strictly telephonic (telephone-only) therapy.

How do I know an online counseling session won't be hacked?

At Ignite, we do what we can to minimize Internet security risks by using a HIPAA-secure video conferencing system through Simple Practice. We will provide instructions for how to download Simple Practice. Each of our therapists have designated spaces for conducting services, and we ask that you make those same efforts to secure your environment.

I’m ready to talk so someone. What now?

There are a few ways you can reach us.

Call: You may call us at 303-578-6336, and leave a message.

Web Form: You can schedule a free phone consult by completing the request form here.

What are all those acronyms about?

We therapists love a good acronym :) Here is a run down of the common ones you see on our site:

If you’re curious about what will happen next, you can read about next steps in our blog.

We do not provide crisis services. Please click here to go to Colorado Crisis Services.

Westminster Colorado Trauma and OCD Specialists | We are proud to serve the Denver Metro and surrounding areas | telehealth offered to clients in the state of Colorado