Ignite’s Master’s Candidate Practicum Therapists

The practicum therapists spend a semester co-facilitating group therapy and workshops alongside the Ignite Therapist team.

Chelsea Rhoades, MA Candidate, Clinical Practicum Therapist

Chelsea is pursuing her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regis University. She currently receives specialized training and direct supervision from Robert Flowers, LCSW, ACS.

She has several years of experience working in the mental health field in a variety of settings such as a domestic violence shelter, crisis and nonprofits. Her work experience has highlighted the importance of creating safe spaces for individuals to show up as their authentic selves.

She is CBT and DBT informed from previous work experience. She desires to incorporate narrative and multicultural approaches in her work alongside clients. She is passionate about collaborating with clients to share their stories and to find new meaning in their experiences.

She plans to work with clients from all walks of life with an interest in trauma, racial identity formation, identity issues, anxiety and relationship dynamics.

Outside of the therapeutic space, Chelsea enjoys being outdoors with her two dogs, attending concerts with her husband or trying new cuisines. You can also find her indulging in a good book or writing.

Jennifer Beaty, MA Candidate, Clinical Practicum Therapist

Jennifer is pursuing her Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regis University. She currently receives specialized training and direct supervision from Robert Flowers, LCSW, ACS.

Jennifer worked as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst before continuing her studies, as she realized that it is important to focus on the whole person--not just the personal skills one wanted to see increased—while being curious about a person’s values, beliefs, and how one navigates their everyday life.

She is CBT informed from her previous line of work and ACT exposed. She has a passion to integrate ACT principles into her future work as a counselor, while maintaining a person- centered approach.

She plans to work with clients from all backgrounds with an interest in focusing on trauma and grief and loss.

When outside of therapy, Jennifer loves to be outdoors with her two children hiking, mountain biking or reading a good book.